I want to take a few moments of your time and give you a few tips on how to decrease the time you spend worrying.

1. The first thing you need to do is to keep a journal. Take all of those thoughts out of your head and put them on paper or your computer. This is a proven technique to give temporary relief.

2. Next thing you want to do is to schedule your worry time. Instead of spending all day perseverating on your problems schedule 30-60 minutes a day. For example, 8pm-9pm, or 5am-6am may be a good time focus on your worries and put your complaints in your journal.

3. During the day when those concerns are trying to creep back and overwhelm your thoughts making it hard to focus, tell yourself that you will worry later at the designated time.

4. Next thing is to find short-term and long-term solutions to your problems. After a week of your scheduled worry, you will find that you will no longer be plagued by obsessive thoughts, and you will feel calmer and more in control.

5. The next thing to do is to make sure you spend 1-2 hours per week doing things that you enjoy.  Like going to lunch with friends, working in your garden, playing your guitar, etc. Unexpected things happen from time to time, and you may miss out. But continue to put yourself on the calendar. You will be a lot easier to get along with. Your family and friends will comment on your positive attitude change.

That’s all for now. Be sure to like, comment, and subscribe and I will see you next time on Harmonious Living.
