In case you have been living under a rock lately, I am here to announce that this is the era for women of color in all genres. Black women have always been celebrated in the music industry and track and field but rarely for Oscar nominations or for being elected to public office or to be promoted to CEOs of large corporations. There are many women of color who have risen to the top of their field. I will only name a few just to jog your memory; Serena Williams the best tennis player in her era, Simone Biles the best female gymnast of all times, Melanie Hobson a financial analyst, Oprah Winfrey, Megan Markle, Ketanji Brown-Jackson the first African American female supreme court justice, Kamala Harris current VP of the US, and she may soon be the first female and first woman of color president of the US.  Women of color are being pursued by white men from all over the globe. I never thought I would see this day. It is all over YouTube and TikTok. One of the good things about social media is that this kind of information can no longer be suppressed. They are not pursuing light skin Becky with the good hair, but women of African descent with black to brown skin and kinky hair. 

I never thought I would see this day, I never thought it would happen in my lifetime. I used to think because of integration and social media, interracial dating and marriage will be more common in 2054 not in 2024. Gen X and Gen Z are no longer listening to the racist programming from the media, parents, and grandparents but are open to dating people from many ethnic groups. Even with older adults, when I am out shopping, I always see a woman of color over 50 with a Caucasian man. Have they been married for the past 30 years? Probably not – but they have probably decided to enter into a relationship based on mutual respect and love, not skin color. 

